This link to google maps should work, but if not go ahead and enter in 844 Cherry St, Denver, CO in google. Go ahead. Right. So if you use street view in look west there is a black Geo Prizm with stuff in the back seat. This in fact looks to be before I removed those rolled up posters from my back window last fall. And that is my second favorite on street parking spot.
I do find it a bit weird that they fuzz out the text on the parking signs (Go to 808 Cherry Street and look west to see what I'm talking about). It would not do to rely upon a picture of a street to know what the parking rules are there, but surely it is more useful than problem causing. And who in their right mind would fully rely on a picture six months old? And they don't also fuzz out business signs. Also, why do they fuzz out some car tires? I suppose I could go looking, but it is late now.
THIS is important!!!
12 years ago